
35 posts
Why is it good to deploy frequently

Why is it good to deploy frequently

Do you deploy every day? Your team probably should. Here's why.

It’s here: Free Range Management, the book

It’s here: Free Range Management, the book

Create space so your team can thrive. You must create space for knowledge workers to do their best work. But how do you do that? Welcome to Free Range Management. Free Range Management can be summed up in two words: create space. The trick is doing that in a way...

On Technical debt - What is it, how is it created, what types of technical debt are there, how to avoid tech debt, and how to fix it?

On Technical debt - What is it, how is it created, what types of technical debt are there, how to avoid tech debt, and how to fix it?

What is technical debt? How can you fix technical debt and what is the best approach to avoid technical debt?

How to assist your product marketing team as a software engineer

How to assist your product marketing team as a software engineer

Software engineering and marketing are often considered to be on completely opposite ends of the spectrum but when put together they can become a powerful team. This article lists some of the things you, as a software engineer, can do to help your product marketing team. Be observant Engineers have...

​​Most common challenges faced by startups in 2024

​​Most common challenges faced by startups in 2024

It’s pretty evident that a startup in 2024 faces unique challenges that just haven’t existed in other years. Every entrepreneur knows that they will encounter difficult circumstances, clients, and people. It takes determination to scale a startup. We've seen this after auditing over 100 startups throughout...

Deploying distributed web application - Laravel queued jobs

Deploying distributed web application - Laravel queued jobs

If you have a really simple PHP application that you deploy to a single server, deploying it basically boils down to transferring the source code to the server, one way or another. Maybe you also clear OPcache, if you have it enabled. If your application is more complex and constitutes...

The Ultimate Startup Due Diligence Checklist for Investments - 2024

The Ultimate Startup Due Diligence Checklist for Investments - 2024

What is due diligence or a technical audit The goal of due diligence is simple: figure out the hidden secrets of the target company that may hurt its value or even kill the deal. But that’s a massive challenge. For investments into technical companies, there is an added challenge....

The first days as a firefighting CTO — what to focus on when you are hired to lead a team in times of change

The first days as a firefighting CTO — what to focus on when you are hired to lead a team in times of change

At madewithlove, we join teams when things aren’t so stable. Maybe a key non-replaceable employee has left or a new investment is fueling growth. I join these companies as a CTO ad interim, someone to captain the ship through troubled waters. It’s hard at times since I’m...

Habits, retrospection, and ancient reptiles

Habits, retrospection, and ancient reptiles

I saw an interesting heuristic regarding habits recently but I couldn’t find the source anymore. Bear with me while I paraphrase a bit. If you want to build a habit, never skip it twice. Skipping your workout once is okay, we’re all human, we all have changing priorities...

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